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Jesse J. Bañuelos has won thousands of difficult accident and immigration cases. For more than 30 years, he has fought for the rights of thousands of people by obtaining just compensation for accident victims; helping many to get a green card; by helping others who had a green card to keep it when they were about to lose it because of a criminal conviction, or a violation of the immigration laws, etc.; by helping others to obtain U.S. citizenship; by defending many others against deportation, etc. To win difficult cases one has to be a hard worker and a fighter. Mr. Bañuelos learned to work hard at an early age because in Las Moras, the ranch in Mexico where he was born and where he spent his childhood, his father started taking him to the field to teach him how to work the land when Mr. Bañuelos was five years old. He’s also a fighter because, given his very humble origins, to become an attorney in the U.S. he had to overcome innumerable obstacles.


In Mexico, my parents taught me the value of an honest day’s work. Thanks to those lessons, I have taken advantage of the many opportunities that this country has given me to better myself. The Greatness of this Country is that my story is the story of countless other immigrants who, like me, came to this country from very humble origins and who, like me, have also achieved what they never even dared to dream when they lived in their country. Jesse J. Bañuelos.

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